Our Program


we are

not an afterschool program…
We are a life program

We were founded because talk is cheap and action is the answer.

Since 2009, Next One Up has provided innovative services that go beyond the boundaries of typical programs to foster stability and create lasting change. We provide year-round, multi-year services that are unmatched in their breadth and depth.

do you do?

We transform lives, one student at a time.

do you do it?

Over Sundays, summer, and seasons, we engage young men early, challenge them consistently, and support them forever.

do you exist?

We exist to engage kids in resources and opportunities that are available- and to create the ones that aren’t- so they can forge their path to a bright future.

program pathway

years old

Show up Every week + every summer = surpass your wildest expectations

  • Forge a family with NOU

  • Commit to academic growth

  • Play a role in your community

  • Recognize and grow your leadership and personal skills

years old

Stay connected + Stay Focused

  • Stay connected to NOU

  • Commit to a post-high school path

  • Seek out opportunities for self improvement

  • Volunteer with NOU

years old

give back + pull the Next One Up + wear the NOU badge proudly

  • Maintain your bonds with NOU staff and students

  • Participate in quarterly alumni gathering

  • Mentor with meaning

  • Create opportunities for others

programming aligns to vision
We are building the next generation of Baltimore’s Leaders 

Promote Learning & Exploration

Foster a growth mindset where students develop a lifelong passion for learning

Create Community & Connection

Build a community of young people committed to self-improvement who share a similar mindset of ‘pulling the next one up’

Build Leadership & Vision

Help participants define and achieve their goals for the future and inspire the next generation of leaders

Learning and exploration

NOU helps young men excel in their academic journeys but learning goes beyond the classroom and into the community. Students gain real life experience, become critical thinkers, and develop social consciousness through experiential and service-learning.

Programs & key services include:

  • Foundational enrichment courses in core subjects

  • Exposure to new sports and activities and personalized athletic assessments

  • Individualized educational assessment and tutoring

  • Weekly opportunities to “learn by doing” through experiences or field trips

  • Monthly opportunities for service learning in the Baltimore Community

  • Nutritional and wellness education


learning outcomes…


high school graduation rate


hours of academic enrichment each year


hours of service-learning each year


of NOU participants participate in athletic teams


Community and connection

NOU provides long-term connection and relationship-focused mentoring. Our custom Life Skills Curriculum focuses on key skills that prepare participants to create positive life outcomes over the long-term.

Programs & key services include:

  • Curriculum focused on empathy, value based decision making, conflict resolution, and leadership

  • Trainings focused on mental health literacy, social emotional learning, and grief and loss.

  • Monthly group check-in meetings with college aged alumni

  • Interactive Financial literacy courses and tailored guidance on student loans, debt repayment, saving, and investing

  • Ongoing opportunities to build connection through positive competition and athletics

  • Uninterrupted support from professional mentors during the dynamic period of young adulthood (ages 12-25)

community outcomes…


said NOU made them feel good about themselves


said NOU made them strong enough to handle difficult situations


of students participate in a financial literacy course


said NOU made them feel more connected to their community

leadership & vision

NOU offers early and consistent counseling for students as they progress from middle school to high school and then set out on their post-secondary path. We create an environment that promotes early exposure to new opportunities and growth through conquering challenges.

Programs & key services include:

  • Counseling to help students identify their strengths and create long-term goals

  • Early exposure to through campus visits, employer visits, workshops, and career days

  • Authentic opportunities for leadership and teamwork through sports

  • Comprehensive counseling covering admissions, applications, and financial aid

  • Program to support the transition into college and ongoing college persistence programming to ensure successful, on-time completion

  • High school and college internship placements and support to provide real-world work experience

  • Career counseling and support for college students and alumni


leadership outcomes…


accepted to college and 100% FAFSA completion


matriculate to college, 10% pursue a workforce pathway


hours of college immersion each year


full time employment among NOU alumni

Our participants are the heart of the program